

"Mindset. Strategy. Execution."


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I met Peyton at the opening party at the World Domination Summit 2015 in Oregon. He was the last interview of the night before the sun set, the music would be turned up and making interviews would be made impossible. Peyton runs the company Journey to Remarkable, where he help people tell their stories better, and works heavily with entrepreneurship in Oregon.


Why do you act in this world?

Why do I act in this world… because it’s a short time to live and I want to leave a positive legacy behind. I want to be fulfilled or find fulfillment and enjoy that whole process.


What makes you think that you make a difference?

In a very tiny way I feel like I change the lives of the future and therefore I change the world. I work with a lot of kids that are 18 and older, I teach them business. I used to be this state representative for vocational education in Oregon and now I run an entrepreneurship incubator at Portland State and Lincoln High School and I also consult across the state.

So I build small business programs and all kinds of programs across the state, like woodshops, auto shops so that is all vocational. When you get an opportunity to teach young folks, I feel like you are making a huge impact.  And that takes us into the future. I am looking at the 100 year plan.

The 100 year plan, what is that?

The 100 year plan is why I got into education, I wanted to impact generations, and that lines up with your belief in sustainability.


What gives you hope for the future?

What gives me hope? That some of the younger generations of creators, artists, and entrepreneurs keep the world in mind when they create things; like social equity and honoring a triple bottom line: The environment, the people, and profit—all three together in harmony. That it is a possibility and not just focusing on money. That gives me hope.

When I see kids and young adults creating amazing projects that align with those three things, it makes me very hopeful.


If you were to condense what gives you hope into three words or a very, very short sentence, what would it be?

Positive mindsets, Strategy, and Imperfect Execution.

Can you explain imperfect execution?

Yeah, to not be afraid to execute, to create action. Last year there was the gal named Jadah Sellner [founder of Simple Green Smoothies and speaker at World Domination Summit 2014], she said: “Take imperfect action.” And that sounded a lot like what I was saying about the flawed execution that we must do just to start.


Sometimes I suffer from what I call sad Sunday and don’t know why I am in this world, why I am acting, I just want to sit in a corner and cry,  if you could make me do one thing on a Sad Sunday, what would you make me do?

There are a few things: like being around puppies, but I think just being around people that you enjoy. People that care about you and people you care about.

One thing: Do not be alone, if you are feeling that way—Be with a dog, be with people, be with someone you love, but don’t be alone. Because we all have Sad Sundays, sometimes sad weeks, sad months, sad years, but you can’t be alone. You know, during my worst times I felt like I was by myself: to get out of that funk you got to be with people.


Thank you so much!

No problem


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